医学はアートであることを忘れちゃいけない Is AI-applied medicine perfect?-Do not forget that medicine is an art-


AIと医療 を考えていた時に、どうしても伝えたいことがあったのですが、なかなかうまく言葉が見つからなかったことがありました。



AIを医療に適応すると、おそらく出てくる現実は、究極のEvidence based medicineになるのではと思います。数々の臨床試験結果や学術文献を元に作られたガイドラインに従った医療、というとわかりやすいでしょう。























80点 休養して水分を多く取る

10点 風邪薬をのむ

1点 抗生物質を飲む


20点 休養して水分を多く取る

60点 風邪薬を飲む

1点 抗生物質を飲む


80点 休養して水分を多く取る

60点 風邪薬を飲む

20点 抗生物質を飲む






  Thinking about medicine applied AI, I had one thing to mention from my standpoints but I couldn’t find adequate words. Now I have found a good article that tells enough about it.


  If applied AI to the practical medicine, there would be extreme evidence-based medicine, that is, the medical treatment based on huge amount of clinical trials and academic articles, which is maybe like the guidelines.
  I believe people would feel safe if they always follow this condition. However, in reality, there are some cases where people cannot follow it, aren’t they?

  As an example, this author refer to a case of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The famous guideline of this disease that includes, “patients presenting with STEMI should undergo PCI rather than thrombolysis, if PCI can happen within 90 minutes at a center that offers PCI or within 120 minutes if the patient needs to be transferred.” However, in case doctors working at a hospital without PCI function and the patient was too unstable to transfer, they would do thrombolysis and then do PCI when he become stable.

Now Japanese breast cancer guideline says, “Chemotherapy and anti-HER2 therapy for Elderly have to be done under fully consideration of expectancy, complications, fundamental organic functions, recognition ability and their quality of life expected after the therapy.” Generally, “Elderly” means 65-70 years-old persons. Now “expectancy, complications, fundamental organic functions, recognition ability” is replaced by Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Score.

  As my experience before the guideline published, our team did chemotherapy for elderly patients over 70 years-old with breast cancer only when they and their families strongly wished to do and I found they were promising to survive. Our team also did breast-reconstruction for another over 70 years-old lady with Luminal A breast cancer. I believe Scoring system is useful but mostly experience and intuition (said “by the seat of doctors’ pants”) exceed any scoring system.
  In breast cancer treatment, “How to apply chemotherapy/endocrine therapy” and “How to choose operative methods” are always doctors’ ART. Therefore, a few patients always drift from the guideline.  Guideline is always standard but it is not rule.

  Right now, people expect AI would give great impacts on medicine in very near future. However, it seems to be hard for Ai to be applied on practical field because it is very difficult to collect the data of ART.

  I have found one article which might be a key to the solution. ART is very similar concept as ethics in therms of technology. And also it is very similar to Scoring system.


  The system expressed in this article could reconstruct verbally  the doctors’ ART, which can be interpreted in math like below:


The case of a child with cold living with parents.

80 Rest, drink water

10 cold remedy

1 antibiotics


The case of a office worker who works at a bank really hard

20 Rest, drink water

60 cold remedy

1 antibiotics


The case of a elderly who live alone in Tokyo

80 Rest, drink water

60 cold remedy

20 antibiotics


If this would be described by different experienced doctors, for example,

Points ×1  A doctor with 10 years family medicine experience

Points ×2  A doctor with 20 years family medicine experience,

that would lead closer results to the reality.


  Most difficult things in this system would be how to set these numbers, in another word, how much exception is allowed in this system. It will depends on the environment where the medical systems located and how consevative people are. And, the ability of skilled doctors is actually how they set, intentionally or unintentionally, these numbers in their minds.